Horsley Village Hall

Our Comunity Hub

Our Story

What a story! When the final three members of the old committee – all in their eighties – finally gave up the battle to keep the old hall alive, they sent their resignation to the Parish Council. David Pinion agreed to leaflet the village and call a special meeting in December 2013. Over 30 people attended, a new committee was formed and the daunting task of raising £350,000 began. With a piece of land sold, and a number of grants, the community backed the fundraising team and raised £50,000 themselves. With £75,000 still needed, Horsley Parish Council worked with the committee to enable a £75,000 loan from the Public Works Board.


In May 2018 Horsley Old Village Hall, built in 1951, held its last event, a band night. Many of those who attended reminisced about the events they had attended over the years and the fun they had. So many of the village had spent much of their formative years in the hall and were sorry to see it close the next day. The committee worked hard to strip out the hall and put all the furnishings and kitchen materials into two containers. Regular users found alternative accommodation and the dilapidated building was demolished in the next couple of weeks.

The building of the new hall took place over nine months and was completed and ready to open in July 2019.

Many members of the community sponsored a brick and their names are on the panel by the entrance to the hall.

Kieran Harrod from Kieran Harrod Design was asked to design our logo. The committee loved his rationale, reflecting the history of the village, and are delighted with our fresh, striking logo.

The stone-fronted building fits into the conservation area and it has large double doors that open onto the Recreation ground

The Mayor and Mayoress of Amber Valley, Councillor John Walker and Mrs Angela Walker performed the opening ceremony on Sunday 29th July. ‘Twiggy’ from Radio Derby joined the celebrations with many members of the community.

The Management Committee Inaugural Dinner was also held in July 2019 with the caterers making full use of the excellent kitchen facilities. A splendid evening which celebrated the work of the community.

Since September 2019 the use of our hall has increased dramatically, despite enforced lockdowns due to Covid-19. Our well attended Community Events have included Race Nights, a Barn Dance, Jazz in the Village, Fashion Shows, a Summer Fete, The Horsley 4 Mile Race and Fun Run and ‘Cuppa with a Copper’ afternoons. 

Our regular users, who love our space and facilities, include DOTTS Fitness, House of Equilibrium (Pilates), Katie School of Dancing, Slimming World, Tae Kwon-Do and Yoga as well as Horsley Village School using the facilities for fitness, and the meetings of Horsley Parish Council and Horsley and Coxbench WI. In addition we have many private bookings including weddings, christenings, parties and wakes. 

In 2021 we had eleven bookings in the first three months and ended with 350 bookings from our regulars and 37 bookings for parties, wedding functions, communions and a polling day. In 2022, as well as our regular users, the hall hosted the Horsley Jubilee Celebrations in June and Denby, Kilburn and Horsley Carnival in August. 

We look forward to you joining us  in 2023 and if you’re looking for a private venue then why not book us?