It’s now just over 10 years since the old village hall saw its last three committee members retire after fighting a hall that was cold, had a leaking roof, and there was asbestos everywhere. It was so difficult to keep open!

Following a public meeting, a new Committee was formed, and the embryo of the new hall was born.
Five years later, having raised £275,000 and loaned £75,000 the first plans of a new hall were drawn. And off we went – thanks to a small, dedicated group, and a very active Committee the hall was built and opened in July 2019.

Gradually our users have increased. During the week, regular classes for Pilates, Yoga, Tai Kwon do, exercise groups for young and old, Salsa Dance classes, and Slimming World, as well as Horsley School, all meet there. The WI and Horsley PC also hold their monthly meetings. At weekends children’s parties and adult events are held.

Now, we have over 600 events a year and several of our committee have specialist roles. At the end of the year, David Pinion, who has been the glue bringing all the parts together will retire from active participation.

  1. We are now looking for a SECRETARY to cover some of his role. Do you have admin. skills that could help us? We have 4 Committee meetings a year, plus a couple of other committee meetings. The role will be to organise the agenda, prepare for meetings and take minutes. If you can help – or are interested – and want to find out more, please contact David Pinion on 07973 830343 or pinion880@gmail.com
  2. Jane Holden has managed the Village Hall website and Village Hall FB since the opening of the new Village Hall in 2019. Jane is stepping down from this role in July and we need to replace her. We would like an IT AND SOCIAL MEDIA ORGANISER who can develop our use of IT to include Instagram and possibly other platforms.

Have you the technical skills to help? Apart from attending Committee Meetings, the job can mainly be fitted around your own free time. We have a very helpful technical website provider who readily provides assistance.

The Village Hall website is co-ordinated with the booking website, which is managed by the booking secretary. The role requires someone who can develop the existing website and pull together the advertising of events. Liaising with our regular hall users is also an area for development, together with a ‘house style’ for event posters, which go on various notice boards in the community.

If you are interested, please give David Pinion a call on 07973 830343 or e-mail Jane at je.holden68@gmail.com


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